
Cast A Magick Spell That Really Works!

Submit Your Testimonial

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Monday, August 26

Sandy writes:

"This works. Thank you. Your spell worked thank you so much."

Sunday, August 25

starflower writes:

"I heard from him and he asked me out to go hiking next weekend, and I'm really excited about it! Thank you Xara, your spell worked amazingly fast!!!"

Saturday, August 24

Isabella writes:

"I got the grade I needed on my hardest lab exam, and the instructor that was being mean to me, heard me, and gave us more practice time and more instruction, which is really helpful! I am very grateful for all of your amazing spells! Thank you Xara for all that you do, and for helping me navigate through this program and through life <3 xoxo"

Friday, August 23

Dan writes:

"Zara's spells work when you need help the most xxx"

Friday, August 23

Zee writes:

"Thank You for helping me. I really appriciate it. Thank You so much. "

Friday, August 23

Kat writes:

"I've used Xara's spells a few times and they've pretty much worked! I reconciled with an old friend, I received money when I really needed it and I got a job when I really REALLY needed one as well. I don't care what anyone says, Xara's spells are real and she is truly a miracle worker. Thank you so much, Xara!!!"

Thursday, August 22

Mrs. MD writes:

"Thank you soo much Ms Xara for all the help you did to us and for all the spell I ask you to cast was granted. You're an angel. I'm waiting for my others spell to be granted and I know and believe it will be by the power of your precious and amazing cast all our spell wil and got granted. Thank you so much and more power!! God Bless you and your family..."

Tuesday, August 20

Lynn writes:

"Thank you so much Xara for all your help - just one more spell, I need to be in contact with soneone very much who lives in Glasgow and would be over the moon if it happens....thanks again my lovelly xxxx"

Tuesday, August 20

BS writes:

"Thank u Xara for helping me with my spells, i finally got the money due to me from my customer, it was thanks to u. I am always eternally grateful for helping me. God Bless!"

Tuesday, August 20

Christa writes:

"Amazing results for me! Best gift I have ever given to myself by believing in her power. Multiple spell requests and every time I had immedieate results. Never ending gratitude for your help! Blessed Be, Xara. "

Friday, August 16

pat writes:

"cast a spell with xara and yesssss my request was answered. soooooo thankful and grateful it works.. speaking through tears of happiness thank you!"

Wednesday, August 14

gordon writes:

"thankyou for all the spells you have cast for me you are amazing xara"

Monday, August 12

Sheldon writes:

"The career spell really works. Thanks to you I now have steady work. Thanks a million. "

Monday, August 12

amy writes:

"your spell worked thank you xara! my spell worked. these spells really work!"

Saturday, August 10

amy writes:

"your spell worked! my spell worked! it worked! thank you so much!"

Tuesday, August 6

Erica writes:

"It worked! Thank you Xara! My spell worked!"

Sunday, August 4

Mama D writes:

"The way the spells unfolded were simply amazing!! The results are PERFECT! XO"

Sunday, August 4

Alex writes:

"OMG :O you are amazing, you help me soo much, thank you:)"

Friday, August 2

Charlene writes:

"The love spells really works. Thank you so much...More power!! I've tried several spells in this website and all of them worked amazingly. "

Friday, August 2

laura writes:

"I asked for reconcile love once and it worked I asked again today for the same thing and also job spell. Xara thank you you are the best xoxo"

Thursday, August 1

GILL writes:

"Thankyou so much my son passed his theory test he is so happy YOUR SPELL WORKED"

Friday, July 26

Lynn writes:

"I asked for a better, tanned complexion and it happened...."

Wednesday, July 24

Randy writes:

"Jut wanted to say thank you so much for the money spell I casted on behalf of my parents as the judge ruled in their favor for getting their settlement total of $60,000. Thanks again Xara."

Wednesday, July 24

gordon writes:

"thankyou so much for all the spells you have casted for me you are truly amazing thankyou xarax"

Monday, July 22

Sara writes:

"Thank you once again for your help, your love spells are amazing xoxoxo"

Sunday, July 21

tori writes:

"this works i have tried to loose weight and this spell helped me thank you so much for your help"

Friday, July 19

Isabella writes:

"Two situations have neutralized for me, and it is amazing, and such a huge relief! Thank you Xara, I am so grateful to have peace and calm <3 xoxo"

Thursday, July 18

Charles Pace writes:

"Been trying brekup spells since my wife told me about an online love affair she has had for the last 3 months. The first spell worked within 2 to 3 days, then her lifelong friend interfered and rhe affair resumed. I need a permanent breakup so we can resume our marriage ; the brekup worked once it will work again!!!!"

Monday, July 15

carmen writes:

"i love you."

Monday, July 15

carmen writes:

"thanks to you im finally rich and a self made millionare i love you."

Sunday, July 14

Isabella writes:

"Thank you Xara for all of the wonderful and amazing spells, my life is becoming more peaceful and calm, and I deeply appreciate that!!! xoxo"

Sunday, July 14

gordon writes:

"thankyou so much the beauty spell worked you are amazing xara"

Sunday, July 14

starflower writes:

"I'm seeing amazing things happening in my life, and I'm extremely grateful for your amazing spells! Thank you so much Xara!!!"

Friday, July 12

gordon writes:

"thankyou for all the spells you have casted for me you are amazing xara x"

Thursday, July 11

Isabella writes:

"My friend sent me what I needed, and my location for testing was changed to a site near me, and I feel truly blessed, and deeply grateful for everything Xara...there are never the right words to express my gratitude!!! <3 xoxo"

Monday, July 8

TARA writes:

"All her spells do work in a amazing way...."

Monday, July 8

gordon writes:

"Hi xara thankyou for all the spell you have casted for me you are truly amazing thankyou."

Thursday, July 4

N.B writes:

"thank you so much for your spells. everything came true"

Wednesday, July 3

Dolly writes:

"These spells really are amazing. "

Tuesday, July 2

Isabella writes:

"There are so many amazing things happening in my life right now, thank you Xara, there are no words to describe how much gratitude I have for you and all of your free spells, my life is continuing to transform into the life I've always wanted, thank you a biliion time over!!! <3"

Monday, July 1

Gregor P. writes:

"01.07.2019 I asked for a money wealth spell - but instead lost my job today. . . Is this what you call a real spell? Thank you so much."

Saturday, June 29

sarah writes:

"this really works"

Friday, June 28

A Palmer writes:

"Hi thank you so much. I have requested multiple spells and I have been given every one. I requested my friend and I reconcile our friendship after a year of no communciation. We are planning to marry very soon. I have requested spells for large somes of money multiple times and I have been blessed with 2 different occasions of accruing more than $1500. I really thank you and truly believe in your gift. I do recommend you to anyone who is need of help. Thank you again."

Tuesday, June 25

moonchild writes:

"I cast the money spell, and it worked, I had a check that came as a refund, and I got what I needed to pay rent and register for my exam. Thank you Zara for all of your amazing free spells!!! xoxo"

Saturday, June 22

Ireland R. writes:

"I have lost 4 lbs in a week, my pants are too big! Thank you so much Xara!"

Saturday, June 22

MDGJ writes:

"Thank you Ms Xara for casting all my spells. May God bless you always and your family. Don't stop helping with your spells many people needed you to change their life for better. Your spell always granted. thanks! more power!!"

Saturday, June 22

Isabella writes:

"The guy I've been wanting to give me the time of day, has contacted me tonight and started asking me about my opinion, and telling me how much he can't wait to see me, thank you so much Xara!!! xoxo"

Saturday, June 22

moonchild writes:

"The money spell worked, I received enough to cover all of my expenses this month, thank you so much Xara!!!<3"

Friday, June 21

Laura writes:

"Thank you Xara for using your gift to help others. Your spells work! Love and Light, many blessings!"

Thursday, June 20

starflower writes:

"The binding spell worked, I am making my numbers, and hearing back from the people that I need to hear back from. I am deeply grateful for your free spells that work so quickly. Thank you Xara!!! <3"

Wednesday, June 19

Lloyd writes:

"One of my spells worked!"

Wednesday, June 19

MICHELLE writes:


Tuesday, June 18

Allison writes:

"I asked for my parents to get along a few years ago and completely forgot about ever coming to this site, my dad has actually started to act uncharacteristically nice and things have begun to calm down in our home for about a year and a half. Thank you so much!"

Friday, June 14

starflower writes:

"All of my grades have posted and I did really well, and passed everything, and my numbers are coming in for this week as well!!! Thank you so much Xara, I am so relieved and so grateful <3 xoxo"

Thursday, June 13

laura writes:

"the spells are working fast... amazing!"

Wednesday, June 12

jc writes:

"I casted 2 spells and i believe you will make ir happen, my depression has been bad and im at my low point. xara youre a blessing i cant wait to see the changes ive been dying for."

Wednesday, June 12

starflower writes:

"Xara, I am so grateful, the grade grade just posted for my hardest class, and I passed!!! Thank you so much Xara!!! <3"

Tuesday, June 11

starflower writes:

"Xara continues to transform my life in so many amazing ways, I could never thank you enough Xara!!! I am always blown away and I appreciate your free spells, for helping me get through everything!!! Thank you Xara, you are such a beautiful soul <3"

Tuesday, June 11

nb writes:

"thank you so much for your spells. We got the letter needed"

Tuesday, June 11

B... k writes:

"Binding spell works! The people who have hurt me are quickly being removed from my life."

Monday, June 10

jonathan writes:

"I did *** change and it really worked.I feel in sleep and i woke up and all my manly feathers where totally gone. Really strange i didnt thought it shout work but it did. it lasted 3 days. then i went back. my parent where shoked."

Monday, June 10

s.s writes:

"Thank you so much, Xara for everything that your have done for me I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I honestly don't know where my situation would have been without your help Xara. XOXO"

Sunday, June 9

Anonymous writes:

"It works"

Friday, June 7

moonchild writes:

"I received a good lab combo for my lab final on tuesday, and it went smoothly, thank you so much Xara!!!"

Friday, June 7

evelyn writes:

"thank you so much miss xara,you always there to helping me..everything i need...god bless you,your spell are always immediately worked...thanks.."

Thursday, June 6

Jay writes:

"Xara is definitely a life saver and has helped me over a year with her spells and other friends and family and they definitely work! Thanks!""

Thursday, June 6

Jay Harris writes:

"Xara is definitely a life saver and has helped me over a year with her spells and other friends and family and they definitely work! Thanks!"

Wednesday, June 5

s.s writes:

"Thank you so much Xara!!! XOXO"

Monday, June 3

michel v.. writes:

"i am so blessed just by helping others your the best lovely xara.."

Monday, June 3

laura writes:

"astonishlingly working thank you so much I am losing my overweight :) xxx"

Thursday, May 30

jenny writes:

"i have been visiting your website since 2007 i believe. you have never failed me. you help bring families back together and make children happy and live a good life. thank you so much and i will be donating a generously."


Monday, May 27

q writes:

"your revenge spells work , your binding spells work, the windfall spell worked and the weight loss spell works thank you so much"

Friday, May 24

starflower writes:

"I was able to accomplish more this week than I had originally planned to, and I was able to increase my numbers by 2 more this week. I am deeply grateful Xara for your amazing spells!!! <3"

Friday, May 24

moonchild writes:

"I have been so much more calm and peaceful this week, I really appreciate your amazing spells. Thank you so much for a more productive and peaceful week!!! <3"

Friday, May 24

LJ writes:

"Thank you so very much Xara. I needed to find a job quickly & asked for your help. The very next day I got an interview & was hired the day after to a job that I absolutely love!! You're truly amazing!"

Friday, May 24

Kathy M writes:

"Thank you for casting my job spell, I now I am able to pay off my debits and after 7 years finally have money to take a vacation. Thank you again for everything"

Thursday, May 23

Amazed writes:

"First off wow. All of a sudden the girl who broke my heart back in my life, her man broke up with her. But i putting her in the friend zone or fwb. Dont want her much again. Your spell works. Now with the new girl it is definitely working. She sending mixed signals but i see the same happening with her. She gonna wear down. Its all about intent ."

Thursday, May 23

Someone writes:

"The bindig spell works. The person who was hurting me no longer exists in my life! I am also sing the weight loss spell and it is working but does have periods when it stops. When I resubmit it and it works again. Thank u!"

Wednesday, May 22

Randy writes:

"Just want to say thank you so much Xara! Career spell to prevent me for going to Iraq is working however because of it they may send me to Afghan instead."

Monday, May 20

starflower writes:

"Thank you so much Xara!!! The relationship spell is working, I saw him this weekend, and then I heard from him again yesterday! I'm so grateful, I really like this guy, and I am enjoying being in a different space with him. Thank you <3"

Friday, May 17

carmen thurmon writes:

"thanks you i love you."

Friday, May 17

Sasa writes:

"Thank you Xara, we are back together! This spell worked within 2 months. This worked twice on us, thank u Xara! - Your friend S."

Thursday, May 16

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked! I made a 5/5 on my quiz, and every point counts for this course, so I'm very releieved! Thank you so much Xara <3"

Tuesday, May 14

starflower writes:

"The spell worked and my friend finally got back to me and helped me out with what I needed! Thank you so much Xara, it was stressful trying to track down this person, and then they finally got in touch with me :) Thank you again Xara <3"

Monday, May 13

Sara writes:

"Thank you Xara, I asked for a tweak on the love spell and it has really worked, the difference in my relationship is amazing XOXO"

Sunday, May 12

starflower writes:

"happy mother's day Xara<3 thank you for all that you do for everyone, and thank you for your love and kindness with your free spells to everyone <3 I appreciate you and thank you for all of your amazing spells!!!"

Saturday, May 11

starflower writes:

"Thank you Xara, the education spell worked and I did well through all of my midterm exams!!! I appreciate all of the spells Xara, you have truly made so many positive changes in my life, thank you!!!"

Thursday, May 9

slaughter andrew writes:

"dear xara frist i would like to wish you a very happy mother day all the best to you for what you have done for every body thank you ever soooooooooo much"

Thursday, May 9

Rhonda writes:

"Thank you! I asked for you to help me with my relationship and within an hour of casting the spell my husband just walked in the room and hugged me and said I love you! It sounds small but it's at least a start. Thank you!! "

Monday, May 6

CNJ writes:


Monday, May 6

starflower writes:

"Thank you Xara, the binding spell worked and I just heard from my classmate, and was able to clear up a situation that had been left hanging. I really appreciate you and your amazing free spells!!! Thank you <3"

Monday, May 6

Tran writes:

"Hi Mrs. Xara, Thank you for all you have done for me and especially with helping me get this new job with more pay, better boss and the inviroment it will be much healthier for my well-being. I'm so grateful for every cast came to pass. Now, I'm just waiting on your help to finding me a true lover whom will treat me way better with everything because the last one she wasn't good nor healthy for my heart and soul. Much love and light."

Sunday, May 5

Dj writes:

"Your love spell worked very dast jus 3 days ago I asked specifically about truth. Wow it came today. She is starting to get feelings for me. Your are angel."

Saturday, May 4

Wowed writes:

"Thank you xara. The court case was thrown out. You are definitely amazing. Wowed once again."

Saturday, May 4

starflower writes:

"Thank you Xara, I did well on my scary hard exam this week, and I am so grateful that puts me in a better position for the final. Your spells are amazing and I am so grateful for every single one on them!!! <3"

Saturday, May 4

q writes:

"thank you xara a family member has quit smoking and they are doing it thank you again"

Friday, May 3

G writes:

"I asked for assistance so that I may help my situation and shortly after the right actions to take became crystal clear! I found the right path and my matters have already improved quickly - I beleive Xara's help is truly working - Thank you so much Xara"

Friday, May 3

AneesaN writes:

"My spell worked!. After it had been cast 4 hours later he contacted me. xx"

Thursday, May 2

Artemus Burton writes:

"I just want to say that you are amazing!, when I first had you cast a love spell, I got a text minutes later with her flirting and then 5 days later we were back in the sack together! Thank you soooo very much! "

Wednesday, May 1

Jc Ponce writes:

"Your Lose weight spell worked, im starting to realize im eating unhealthy and going back to my healthy diet and training alot of fitness to get back in shape and martial arts. Thank u xara xoxo"

Tuesday, April 30

starflower writes:

"The girl that was being so mean to me, we had this long, awesome conversation today, and she's no longer being mean to me :) Thank you so much Xara, I was literally blown away by the effects of your spell!!!"

Tuesday, April 30

Cleo writes:

"Your monee and career spells really work! The job I was at didn't appreciate me, now they've offerred me a huge contract. My enemires got shut down d= gossipping about me, I won tickets to a concert and finally am getting bills handled! On to try to find a good romantic partner now! Thank You you are amazing!!!"

Monday, April 29

Nadine writes:

"Your spells work wonders! It actually worked, i am so amazed and thankful for you!"

Saturday, April 27

david from mauritus writes:

"my lord xara, every day i saw a big positive changed in my live i have faith in you now its wonderful to have a person like you in my life even sometimes everyday i chasing you to do my spell dont angry with me beacuse i was in a finicial issues . i will always trust you in my life .blessing for you and your family . rgards JMDC"

Wednesday, April 24

Robert writes:

"Thank you so much! you have worked wonders in my life."

Tuesday, April 23

deborah writes:

"thank you a thousands times plus. Im am now a top performer at work. I so appreciate your gift so grateful. many blessings to you"

Tuesday, April 23

starflower writes:

"the girl that was being mean to me, started being nice to me, thank you so much Xara!!!"

Tuesday, April 23

starflower writes:

"My friend surprised me and did something nice for me yesterday, the spell worked, thank you so much Xara!!!"

Tuesday, April 23

starflower writes:

"I heard back from my cousin, thank you so much Xara, the spell worked!!!"

Tuesday, April 23

slaughter andrew writes:

"dear xara for the frist time in my life i am happy and it all because of you i submit spells before and the progess still to be happen slow so i wasnt going to give up i knew it would happen and did all because of you i just wanted to thank you ever so much may heaven keep you and shine upon you and yours always thank you thank you"

Saturday, April 20

Nicholas writes:

"Im absolutely amazed.I asked for a love spell and it worked.Change Your Life Spells are real and it really works.Thank you so so much"

Friday, April 19

Artemus Burton writes:

"This is so totally awesome! I was a little sceptical at first, but I asked for a love spelland sure enough I started recieving text messages from the one I wanted to get back with and it stated that my spell was casted at 9:51pm and she started flirting at 9:58! holy crap this is Amazing! Thank you soooooo much! I donated I am soo impressed! You are truley amazing! "

Tuesday, April 16

alea writes:

"My first time using this, I already feel it workig. She is amazing thank you! to anyon who is using this for the first time, have faith. Don't cast the same spell multiple times, i ust read that and realized. I am already feeling 100% better and can see a change in my relationship and mind. <3"

Monday, April 15

Maria writes:

"Thank you so much, Xara, for helping me each time! All of your spells are miraculous!"

Sunday, April 14

starflower writes:

"Thank you so much Xara...I heard back from several people that I had been needing to hear back from. Thank you for all of your amazing spells, and I deeply appreciate each and every one. They have all helped to bring about amazing transformation in my life...thank you Xara!!!"

Sunday, April 14

Allen F. writes:

"Hello, This is to let you know that all the things that I have asked you to do for me over the past few months, have happened! I can't thank you enough! I will continue to come to you for your help! Thank you Again"

Sunday, April 14

Freyer writes:

"I cast a money spell and a job spell last night. This morning I woke up to a rather unexpected windfall!!! This is truly amazing! Can't thank you enough xx"

Saturday, April 13

Melinda writes:

"Thank you Xara for the money spell, we needed it for bills, lol. I just want to thank you for the spells you've cast for me since 2013. The first love spell you cast then & i'm still with this man now we are engaged 6 years. Bless-ed be Xara "

Thursday, April 11

Lucky Girl writes:

"Oh Xara you are a life saviour. I cast this Windfall spell last Friday and I believed it with all my heart that it will happen. I have been trying to get a loan for 2 years and just last Monday I have received an email that my loan was approved! 35K just in my bank account today. You are an angel that saves the day! I wish I have found this website earlier. I don't think it is just a coincedence. Your spell really works! Thank you!"

Monday, April 8

S. H writes:

"You've been casting spells for me for years now and i'll always be grateful for your time. Your spells have brought me Joy in my darkest times, thank you so much x peace and love to you and your family x"

Sunday, April 7

gladful soul writes:

"I was bullied by a person, who lied to the legal and bashed me hard real bad and taken away my beloved person away from my side. The revenge spell works well as i see the start of her sufferring. Thank You!"

Saturday, April 6

shreya writes:

"thank you so much...all your spells work so well i'm really really grateful for you"

Tuesday, April 2

starflower writes:

"the breakup spell worked and they finally broke up!!! thank you so much Xara, that was literally an unsavory couple and now I'm free to be friends with my classmate again now that the unhealthy pairing is over. Thank you!!!"

Tuesday, April 2

shocked!! writes:

"Thank you!!! You are a miracle worker. I am in complete shock i got 5000 in my credit card. I am crying right now. I can make investments, buy groceries etc. You are the real deal. Thank u. You are a blessing."

Sunday, March 31

Steve writes:

"I cast a spell asking for a windfall and soon I received a check in the mail out of the blue, from my bank for $204 for a mistake they made a couple of years ago in my account that I never even knew about! BlessingS on you and THANK YOU ALL!"

Saturday, March 30

carmen writes:

"i love you."

Thursday, March 28

Melinda White writes:

"Hi Xara i'm proud to say you've casted spells for me since 2013 love, money, body changing, ect. They have all worked! You are the bomb. And an amazing woman for helping us all. Thank you to the bottom of my heart <3"

Thursday, March 28

margaret writes:

"hi thank you so much from the bottom of my heart xara for the spell you cast to keep my mate away from this girl that was using him it worked bless you xx"

Thursday, March 28

samantha writes:

"hi xara , my windfall spell worked i got a bank offer this morning for a credit card thank thank thank you just waiting for the love spell to work"

Wednesday, March 27

Randy writes:

"Thank you again was able to find a cheap or good price hotel in Mexico for my wife and her brother."

Wednesday, March 27

Trần Lan Hương writes:

"How to watch spells and how it works guide me"

Sunday, March 24

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked, and I passed all of my classes!!! I am so deeply grateful Xara after such a diffuclt quarter. I am so relieved and excited about continuing to move forward in thr program <3"

Saturday, March 23

é«æ writes:

"谢谢你ãYour spells work, but in ways you don't expect. Very good. Very helpful, I will recommend this site. ä½ å¾å害åã太æ£äºãæå¾é«å´ ;)"

Tuesday, March 19

A.L. writes:

"Always comes thru I see it work all the time!!! thank you so much"

Monday, March 18

starflower writes:

"I passed my lab final on friday and I'm so grateful that the education spell worked!!! Thank you so much Xara!!! <3"

Tuesday, March 12

starflower writes:

"Thank you Xara, the education spell worked!!! I passed my lab on monday, and I am so relieved!!! "

Wednesday, March 6

SAMANTHA G writes:


Wednesday, March 6

APD writes:

"We have used XaraSpells many times. They work. They always produce fabulous results for us. XaraSpells have proven time and time again to be a simple effective tool for creating change. Thank you, thank you."

Saturday, March 2

Carri writes:

"Your ability to align the Universe and desires up is amazing! Thank you for the help it worked!"

Friday, March 1

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked and I passed my last mideterm!!! Such a huge relief, thank you so much Xara <3"

Thursday, February 28

ssss writes:

"Hi Xara i can feel the change slowly just waiting for love spell to work thank you so much for what you do "

Tuesday, February 26

KHUSHBU writes:

"Hey Xara, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your life changing spells. You are really a guardian angel to all of us out here. Thank you so much!"

Sunday, February 24

gordo writes:

"thankyou so much for all the spells you have casted they work good god bless you xaraxx "

Wednesday, February 20

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked! I passed everything but the one section that I knew I needed to remediate, and that was exactly what happned. I am so relieved and grateful that I got through all of the other sections of the exam. Thank you so much Xara!!!"

Tuesday, February 19

Apryl writes:

"Anytime I come to this site, I know I made a bad choice somewhere. Xara, for whatever reason, you fix everything. Anytime I ask ANYTHING of you, life immediately gets better. You always manage to give me exactly what I need. Thank you. I am ready to receive your magick again. You are the best."

Tuesday, February 19

margaret writes:

"thanks so much you are an angel a man i have loved for so long has started reciprocating the love slowly and surley. God bless you and forgive me for giving you so much work all the time you are the best"

Monday, February 18

Sun writes:

"The reconcile your love spell worked!! He came back to me like a changed man!"

Monday, February 18

Princess writes:

" Must I say this, thank you so much for what you did to help me. I requested for "Get a job/Career." Got rehired last week and starting working tomorrow. Most definitely, will send you a donation to contiune helping others who needed the most. Once again, thanks for the love, Xara. "

Sunday, February 17


"dear xara i am still in a misable place in my life and ask no beg for your help to turn things around in my life such as jobs love and most of all money which i truly need i am so heavy in debt and sufffering i pledge with you help me thank you so much for your time"

Saturday, February 16

Cher writes:

"You're the best, Xara! "

Friday, February 15

Carl writes:

"I needed a change in my life and she helped me in so many ways. Thank you so much!"

Thursday, February 14

starflower writes:

"the education spells worked!!! thank you so much Xara...I passed all of my midterms over the past two weeks and I am deeply grateful for your spells!!!"

Thursday, February 14

Jillian writes:


Thursday, February 14

Margaret writes:

"thank you so much i know i have disturbed you so many times with my crazy requests but i want to say a big God bless you. the man that I have loved for so long has started loving me back and being very loving, romantic and kind to me. thank you soooo much you are the best"

Tuesday, February 12

John writes:

"i can feel you changing everything inside of me even on the outside i tried you *** change spell i am shouck it really works i can feel my ****s growing and the other things are changing THANKS Xara your the best ever "

Monday, February 11

starflower writes:

"I passed my hardest midterm both lab and lecture that I had failed last quarter! Thank you so much Xara!!!"

Monday, February 11

starflower writes:

"Thank you so much Xara!!! The house sold and its now no longer a huge financial burden on my mother. We are both so grateful for your spells!!!"

Monday, February 11

AT writes:

"The money spell works, I wish for it, and my child support came through after 18 years.. He finally paid $7,000 of back child support. Thank you "

Monday, February 11

maggy writes:

"thank you so much you have done alot for me God bless you"

Thursday, February 7

Rachel writes:

"This was a couple years back but, I had put in for my best guy friend and his girlfriend to break up because, it was a major toxic relationship and he admitted to me he was "scared to leave her". Within that month they broke up and I literally had that moment of wait...what...no way...YES! Thank you so much Xara"

Wednesday, February 6

W. Lynn writes:

"I requested that the love of my life break up with his SO and become mine as their relationship was based on lies and manipulation. It took a while but I was patient and it happened! My love is now living with me and we are happier than ever!!!"

Sunday, February 3

Tamara writes:

"Xara,thank you for always casting spells for me. You are a blessing!"

Sunday, February 3

Unknown Dreamer writes:

"Thank you Ms Zara for all the spells that I wish. You're an angel for everyone. Don't stop to help changing people life for good.God bless <3"

Sunday, February 3

P, A, M, writes:


Saturday, February 2

gordon writes:

"thankyou xara for all the spells you have casted for me the spells work geat you are amazing god bless you xaraxx"

Friday, February 1

Matthew writes:

"I asked for a passion spell for me and my girlfriend and now we are closer than ever, if you get what I mean. Thanks so much for this!!! Just waiting on the money now, lmfao! Thanks again though!! Can't wait!"

Thursday, January 31

carmen writes:

"god bless you."

Thursday, January 31

Anonymous writes:

"Thank you. I used your relationship spell to attract a relationship. I had patience and now I am in a healthy relationship with an amazing man. I am tremendously grateful for what you do."

Thursday, January 31

Don writes:

"I can't thank you enough! Thank You for helping me in all areas of my life. I can live in peace and enjoy my life. Thank You & many Blessings to you!"

Tuesday, January 29

Indy writes:

"I have struggled with my body image for so long and the weight loss spell really worked! I don't check scales but I woke up with a flatter stomach and more craving for healthy food. Thank you so much, I can finally get back to looking my best!!"

Monday, January 28

carmen writes:

"i love you"

Monday, January 28

Sam writes:

"Thanks Xara. The binding spell worked for a really bad bully and the Career spell too worked. Thanks a lot . I am eternally grateful."

Monday, January 28

Claudia writes:

"Weight loss spell worked!!! I lost 5kilo in less than 2 weeks. Thank you so much for your time."

Sunday, January 27

Attison writes:

"It's amazing that your spells are free, but could you have a website where you would teach us how to preform spells?"

Saturday, January 26

a girl writes:

"your money spell works. thank you"

Friday, January 25



Wednesday, January 23

carmen writes:

"your revenge spell really worked."

Wednesday, January 23

Jackie writes:

"I asked for a reconciliation spell and he called me the next day. It works!"

Tuesday, January 22

n.b writes:

"thank you again for the money spells, just cast now just got. thank you"

Monday, January 21

Xara writes:

"Xara's the best we have the same name"

Monday, January 21

babyyyy writes:

"you have blessed my life in so many ways. so thank you so much you angel."

Monday, January 21

j.s writes:

"don't know how you did it but you did . thank you so much."

Monday, January 21

love writes:

"I am so happy with the results thank you so much."

Sunday, January 20

gordon writes:

"thankyou so much for all the spells you have casted you are amazing god bless you xarax"

Sunday, January 20

Thank you writes:

"Hi Xara, thank you for being you and thank you for everything that you do and everything that you are. Thank you for all the wonderful wishes that you bless and thank you for being you. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart. Thak you Xara."

Friday, January 18

gordon writes:

"thank you for all the spells that you have casted for me you are amazing lady thankyou xara xx"

Wednesday, January 16

nana aka me writes:

"thanks for everything, you really are an amazing person."

Wednesday, January 16

Lexi writes:

"You are so awesome Xara, I can't wait for you to change me, thank you so much!"

Monday, January 14

starflower writes:

"the spell worked, and very fast...I did hear back from him tonight. Thank you Xara for bringing more light and love into my life <3"

Sunday, January 13

Lani writes:

"Thanks for helping me Xara, you're the best! I literally have no words to give you on how thankful I am!"

Saturday, January 12

Tam writes:

"Xara, thank you so so much for all the spells you have cast on my behalf. You are truly a blessing. I am excited to see them all manifest soon! xoxo"

Saturday, January 12

starflower writes:

"The binding spell worked, I heard from him and we were able to quickly set something up for next week and he was super easy to work with and very easy going. Bless you Xara <3"

Saturday, January 12

Cassandra writes:

"It worked! The passion spell is really worked! I started with this, now carefully I will go for the love, then the relationship spells."

Thursday, January 10

Cleo writes:

"Thank you so much for all your amazing work revolutionizing my life. I have lost weight, my hair looks great, I use these to combat retrograde effects, Xara you are a gift from God and amazing! Users, these really DO work be careful to stay on the positive side of karma and only use spells for good! All always comes out right in the end. Bless you Xara! "

Wednesday, January 9

margaret writes:

"hi thank you for your brake up spell to keep my mate and this girl apart it worked you are amazing at what you do god bless you xara xx"

Monday, January 7

Na Za writes:

"You are amazing xara, God bless u "

Sunday, January 6

starflower writes:

"The spell worked and she called off the wedding, and everyone is so relieved! Thank you Xara, again, your spells are amazing and they do work fast!!!"

Sunday, January 6

starflower writes:

"The money spell worked, there is a contract on the house, and we are so relieved! Thank you Xara, that has literally helped my family so much!!!"

Saturday, January 5

GORDON writes:

"thankyou xara for all the spells you have casted for me am sorry i had alot my life is upside down god bless you are amazing xara thankyouxx"

Tuesday, January 1

SWATI KINI writes:


Sunday, December 30

yagiz writes:

"ommgg thank you so muchhhhh!!!!"

Saturday, December 29

xxx.C.xxx writes:

"the windfall spell works very well i just got a 20 and didnt expect it thanks xara!!!!!!"

Saturday, December 29

Deborah writes:

"The best thing i have ever done is find you Xara. The name Xara meaning is Princess or shining flower, so fitting for you. You have been a true gift. My finances increased, friendships repaired. Your site was the best find. May the Universe continue to work in your favor. thank you one thousand times "

Friday, December 28

mike writes:

"This really works my eys turn blue from brown I Love Xara, thanks Im a fan and visit this site every day"

Thursday, December 27

rajendran writes:

"i casted this spell on my fren to stop smoking.its been 4 months i waited. She stopped and to day she cant stand the smell of cigarettes. Xara truly you are amazing. God bless you. To those who wanna quit smoking ,seek Xara"

Thursday, December 27

Ivana Smiljkovic writes:

"Bless Be Xsara you make me happy XOXO TNX love you !"

Wednesday, December 26

Jade writes:

"I requested an education spell because I was having issues with maintaining my grades. I just passed one of my classes with a grade better than what I thought I would get! Thank you so much Xara. You are truly the greatest, with a magnificient gift! <3<3"

Tuesday, December 25

gordon writes:

"thanyou for all the spells that you have casted for me god bless you. you are amazing lady xara thankyouxx"

Monday, December 24

Anonymous Lady writes:

" Dear Xara , Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ! Thank you for all your help in 2018. Love, Light & Blessings!"

Saturday, December 22

Tam writes:

"Xara, I am so very grateful for your spells and so excited to see them come to pass. Thank you for all you do for us. It is a blessing!"

Saturday, December 22

Mle writes:

"Xara thank you very much, its amazing how it works too soon. xoxo"

Wednesday, December 19

margaret writes:

"iam speechless the man i love whom i never thought would speak to me again gave me a ring iam grateful beyond words you are truly remarkable thank you so much"

Tuesday, December 18

Amy writes:

"Yesterday ( dec. 17th) i asked for a binding spell on my ec because he has done very serious horrible thigns to me. When i got h9oem from school, the whole day i just felt lighter, it was amazing. Thank you. I hardly thought about him all afternoon and hes been all thats on my mind for weeks. thank you."

Sunday, December 16

gordon writes:

"thank you so very much for all the spells you have casted thank you for helping me like you have the spells really work god bless you xaraxx"

Saturday, December 15

EDWARD writes:

"Xara is simply fantastic. Her spells really work! God Bless her!!!!!"

Friday, December 14

Dawn writes:

"THANK YOU ! You are amazing ! "

Thursday, December 13

ning writes:

"Xara's spells are very subtle but they definitely work well. Thank you so much and bless you!"

Wednesday, December 12


"Dear XARA I love you.Your Hair spell is working.Pl cast the spell again for I want it to be a little more thick. You are really GREAT. lots of love purabi guha"

Wednesday, December 12

Randy writes:

"Thank you again for the spell you casted earlier this morning on my behalf. Everything went smoothly at my VA appointment. Thanks again Xara!"

Wednesday, December 12

margaret writes:

"hi beautiful thank you so much for your spell it worked once again to keep my mate away from a girl that was useing him Xxx"

Tuesday, December 11

Randy writes:

"Just want to say thank you very much XARA for the spells you casted lastnight on my behalf. I asked for spell in regards to box i shipped out via UPS to Mexico that is being returned due to their fault and they will reship it for free. So thank you again."

Tuesday, December 11

carmen writes:

"your love spell really worked he mad at me but i know he loves me still"

Monday, December 10

Anonymous writes:

"Thank you casting all my spells. It works...all of them. Thank you Thank you"

Monday, December 10

starflower writes:

"Thank you Xara, I know I ask for so much, and I am truly amazed at my growth and how beautiful life has become. Thank you for all of your amazing spells!!! Thank you for your education spell from Friday, I was literally holding my breath all weekend waiting for the final lab grade to post, and I cleared exactly the points that I needed...thank you so much Xara!!! <3"

Saturday, December 8

FREDDY writes:


Friday, December 7

NB writes:

"thank you again for the money spell. came true ALL the time"

Thursday, December 6

Emily writes:

"The money I got from babysitting went right to buying Christmas presents for my siblings! The windfall spell really worked! Thank you Xara! "

Thursday, December 6

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked!!! I got a B on my lab final yesterday, thank you so much Xara, I could barely sleep before the exam, and it turned out better than I expected!!!"

Thursday, December 6

kv writes:

"money spell worked.. thankyou so much"

Tuesday, December 4

808 writes:

"I was sketchy at first..Attraction Spell works!!!!! Xara Thank you!!! "

Monday, December 3

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked, I got a B on my final today! Thank you so much Xara!!!"

Sunday, December 2

Tam writes:

"Xara, thank you for being there and supporting my life progress with this beautiful gift. I have asked for several things, am looking confidently for those to manifest and am so grateful for your consistency and support. Many blessings to you."

Saturday, December 1

marcelyn writes:

"it really works. put a money spell at night and i got it the next day without expecting it.miracle"

Saturday, December 1

raven writes:

"it works"

Friday, November 30

BS writes:


Friday, November 30

Dee writes:

"Thanks again Xara. You are magic!!!"

Thursday, November 29

margaret writes:

"hi xara would like to think you for your spell to get my daughter and her boyfriend back together it work with in to days you spells are amzing and work thank you again xxx"

Thursday, November 29

star flower writes:

"The binding spells worked, and I was able to schedule my exam with the accommodations approved!!! I am so relieved and so grateful!!! Thank you Xara!!!"

Wednesday, November 28

carmen writes:

"you help me win my court case and get out of a verbal and physical relationship thank you god bless you ."

Wednesday, November 28

pat writes:

"I cast spell for daughter to get reliable transportation to travel and it came through. Thank You Thank You Thank You!"

Wednesday, November 28

Ghee writes:

"i cast a spell for reconcilation with a crush and it did happen. took time but it did eventually happened. We are close friends again. Thank you so much."

Tuesday, November 27

carmen writes:

"i really wanted to die but you save me god bless you and thank you i love you"

Monday, November 26

starflower writes:

"Thank you Xara!!! The binding spell worked and he sent me the information that I needed to submit, so I am relieved that I uploaded everything today with fingers crossed!!!"

Friday, November 23

andrew slaughter writes:

"eventhrough i dindt have a nice hoilday i wanred to wish you and your family all the best"

Friday, November 23

Gemma writes:

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to support me in my hour of need thanks Xara love and light xxxxxxxxxxx"

Thursday, November 22

gordon writes:

"thankyou xare for all the spells you have casted the money spell worked thankyou xara love and lights to you thankyou so muchxx"

Wednesday, November 21

vikra writes:

"education spell worked "

Tuesday, November 20

Ann writes:

"I am so grateful for this site - it truly works - Thank You keep up the good work and wishing you lot of blessings because you deserve it! xxx "

Friday, November 16

DEBORAH writes:

"Your spells have helped me get bigger bonus at work. You've helped my marriage. I so truley appreciate your kindness. Bless you always may good positive abundence always be with you"

Friday, November 16

Emily writes:

"Blessed be Xara. Blessed be."

Thursday, November 15

frederick writes:

"i cast a revenge spell it work,thank you so much "

Wednesday, November 14

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked! I got a 20/20 on my latest weekly quiz yesterday. Thank you so much Xara!!!"

Monday, November 12

Dee writes:

"Just wanted to thank you so much for doing the casts for me. They have just been cast and am awaiting my happiness but just wanted to express how grateful I am to you for hearing me and helping to mend my broken heart. "

Saturday, November 10

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked! I got a 15/15 on one of my lecture midterms, waiting for grades on the other two. My friend gave me some amazing feedback and she's been much easier and more flexible to work with after the binding spell! They guy that I've been seeing asked to see me more and made plans with me for the upcoming holiday. Thank you so much Xara, for bringing so many beautiful things into my life with your amazing spells!!!"

Saturday, November 10

Mickey writes:

"Hi! I would just like to let you know that i am very sincere when i say that Xara's spells are so effective! Thank you soooo much Xara!!! I can feel the spell still working days after you cast it! She basically saved my life with a revenge spell. I would be so depressed and ruined if it wasn't for her! I love you!!"

Friday, November 9

mae writes:

"Mae baby my spell works he left her and now we talking more and more. he gonna be mines soon. "

Friday, November 9

gordon writes:

"thankyou for all your spells the have cast the love spell still need to work but i know it will work soon god bless you xara xx"

Thursday, November 8

starflower writes:

"I know there is never a good way to express my gratitude, even as many times as I try. I know every spell doesn't always transform the way I think it will, but it always works out in the end how it should. I have so much gratitude for you and for your spells...I can't say enough amazing things about where I am in life and how far I've come in the past 2 years....its literally mindblowing. Thank you Xara...and I appreciate you so much!!! <3"

Tuesday, November 6

Tamara writes:

"This literally worked in 24hours. I wanted to hear from my crush, granted it wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear(I will work on that) but at least I heard from him after wondering would I ever hear from him again. If I could I would kiss you right now. Blessed Be"

Tuesday, November 6

Calypso writes:

"It really worked! took a bit but i wantes a love spell to get my ex back and it was crazy out of the blue a few months later i recieved a random text message and we started talking again! how crazy is that!!!!!???"

Monday, November 5

K. writes:

"It has started... thank you so much!"

Sunday, November 4

Ariana writes:

"About two months ago I asked Xara to cast the Reconcile Love spell to get back together with my ex and it worked last month!! We're so much better than before, thank you so much Xara"

Friday, November 2

ish writes:

"my goodness, I casted this passion spell with my crush, I have been observing her moves ever since...I just wanted to say, THANK YOU THANK YOU, this worked so well! god bless youu xoxo"

Thursday, November 1

GORDON writes:


Thursday, November 1

Deveon writes:


Wednesday, October 31

Connie writes:

"She is wonderful, her spells really work.. I met my husband a year ago and now we are married. Thank you so much.. my life has been turend around. "

Monday, October 29

starflower writes:

"The education spell worked! I got a B on my midterm today, and they were both tests that I knew, and it was such a huge relief!!! Thank you so much Xara for your amazing spells <3"

Sunday, October 28

GORDON writes:


Saturday, October 27

KJ writes:


Saturday, October 27

Amiah writes:

"Immediately i felt a change thank you so much for casting all my spells"

Saturday, October 27

Thankful writes:

"My money spell worked yesterday! It happened a day later than I asked for and slightly different than I had requested, but I'm actually getting more money that I was told I would recieve. Thank you!"

Saturday, October 27

Sj writes:

"dear xara. your spells really works and i am loving it. it changes my life as wel.. you really are a spell caster. i used this reconcile love spell and my ex was back and his loving me more."

Friday, October 26

Ashley W. writes:

"I had asked for $250. A week later I received a check from a local class action suit against my power company for $252!!!! I didn't even know that was going on!!! Thank you so much for your help. My friend thought I was crazy when I told her I asked you for help and then couldn't believe it when I showed her the check. <3 "

Thursday, October 25

Iveta writes:

"Dear Xara, many many thanks for your help!!!!! I do believe the reconcile spell works for a long long time so far..."

Thursday, October 25

ROSAlIND writes:


Tuesday, October 23

margaret writes:

"hi would like to think you from the bottom of my heart for your spell to keep to people a part what amzing work you do the spell worked and ment a lot love and light and bless xxx"

Tuesday, October 23

starflower writes:

"I found my backpack and everything was in it, I was so releived to pick it up this morning and find everything inside. Thank you again for the binding spell, it worked quickly, and I deeply appreciate you and your amazing spells!!!"

Monday, October 22

Me writes:

"Dear Xara, I wont to thank you for being there for me when i need you. God may bless You"

Monday, October 22

Luz writes:

"Thank you Xara! I cast a money spell and it worked! I got a project/contract in about 2 weeks afer I cast the spell!! WOW! I am so grateful for this website... I love all your spells. Thank you thank you!!"

Sunday, October 21

margaret writes:

"dearest Xara thank you ever so much for your brake up spell to keep my mate and this bad girl away from him it worked what a wonderful caster you are love and peace and thanks again xxxxx"

Thursday, October 18

Tiffany writes:

"My eyes Were blue and there red now thanks so much!!! I love you Xara"

Wednesday, October 17

Brittany writes:

"Xara always come through for me, thank you! xoxo You are the best!!!"

Tuesday, October 16

Eric writes:

"Dear Xara, Thank you for the binding spell, it worked so good and brings back rest and peace to my life God bless you!"

Monday, October 15

Mario writes:

"I did a reconcile love spell and within 24 hours I heard from her. She was apologetic and we've gotten back together now, better than we were before! Thank you so much!! Bless you for this service."

Monday, October 15

gordon writes:

"thakyou xara for all the spells they work well i know i have asked for a lot of spells but thankyou for helping me love and lights to you god blessxx"

Monday, October 15

Olivia writes:

"I was skeptical at first, but two days after I requested for my hair to be bright red, its already starting to get a copper tint. thank you so much!"

Sunday, October 14

starflower writes:

"My classmate located the study guide for me and sent it to me that night! Thank you so much Xara <3"

Sunday, October 14

starflower writes:

"Xara, your spells truly amaze me, my mom was struggling with passing an exam, and she passed it when she retook it, and I passed both of my weekly tests last week as well! Thank you so much Xara!!! We are both truly grateful for you and your spells <3"

Friday, October 12

Adam writes:

"We love this site and these spells. We use this site to adjust our universe the way an artist uses paint to adjust a picture. We keep coming back because the spells work. What suprises me most often is how quickly they work. I feel like a child again and have been able to loosen up and start daydreaming with passion and verisimilitude. Thank you to Xara for putting this together."

Thursday, October 11

Donovan writes:

"Thank you. You are the best. Your spell work was fast, and accurate. We are so grateful."

Thursday, October 11

Barbara writes:

"I submited my request... we didn't talk for a week because he said he needs to fix his sitation first...then I seen him watching my story same day i asked for a spell... and I checked out again this page and I see the spell has been casted :) Amazing! "

Thursday, October 11

sandra writes:

"i had a windfall spell and a love spell cast and two days i got what i had ask for i want to say thank you xaxa your spells works thank a lot"

Wednesday, October 10

Lyn writes:

"Thank you so much Xara your amazing ,evry guy im talking to they say im beautiful,you change my life Xara thank you so much <3"

Monday, October 8

SP writes:

"I stumbled onto your sight about a year ago and i have been coming back ever since. You have helped me so much and I just wanted to thank you. Your amazing!"

Sunday, October 7

Lilly writes:

"Thanks for all your hardwork. Your AMAZING!"

Sunday, October 7

Katlyn writes:

"I have been raped, and told by my mom that I am ugly and stupid, I have a Low self-esteem, depression and anxiety, I have asked for those things, I am waiting, and i have faith that you will help me. I LOVE YOU! XOXO"

Saturday, October 6

GORDON writes:

"thankyou xara for all the spells you have cast for me and the spells really work love and lights to you are a angel god bless you xaraxx"

Saturday, October 6

B writes:

" Thank you so much Lady Xara for everything you did for me .Light and Love"

Saturday, October 6

Champa writes:

"The spell works like a miracle! I got exactly what I wanted and as a result today many people are happy and peaceful. Thank you!!"

Tuesday, October 2

Rosielyn writes:

"I forgot to submit this last Sunday,that i wish to look beautiful and young..so when i went to Church,,they say i look more beautiful and younger,,thank you Xara ,,it works God bless"

Sunday, September 30

Rosielyn David writes:

"The spell is working,thanks Xara,your Amazing,thank you so much your Blessed,,m hair get nice and my eyes change in color..thank you so much"

Saturday, September 29

David writes:

"It works"

Saturday, September 29

kosta writes:

"do your spells work only on women?"

Wednesday, September 26

S. writes:

"XARA always comes through. Thank you so much!!!"

Tuesday, September 25

Anonymous writes:

"You cast a money spell for me yesterday, and I received a raise this afternoon. I dont know what I believe in, but the power of believing and having someone believe in you- even for a second -can make a huge impact on someone's life. This isn't scripted, I am eternally grateful. Bless you. xx"

Tuesday, September 25

Lynn writes:

"Thankyou so much for all my spells Xara - You are amazing......"

Monday, September 24

gordon writes:

"thankyou for casting all the spells i asked you for i am very happy now thankyou xara love and lightsxx"

Sunday, September 23

Lele writes:

"I casted a spell at night, and I when I woke up I could really feel the effects! I was skeptical but these really work! Thank you so much :)"

Sunday, September 23

LM writes:

"After a couple of days the break up spell worked my boyfriend stopped hanging around with a female of real bad character and reputation...Thankyou so much.XO"

Saturday, September 22

geraldine writes:

"your spells are super and they really work thank you so much"

Thursday, September 20

Olivia writes:

"This is a strange thing to write about but it absolutely works...these spells have changed my life and made me a better person."

Thursday, September 20

SC writes:

"I am beginning to see a subtle difference after you have casted these spells. Bless you for believing in all of these people."

Thursday, September 20

starflower writes:

"Thank you so much Xara...you're amazing!!! I passed everything this quarter and finished a quarter, and I'm entering clinic! I am so happy the education spells worked! I am so grateful!!!"

Thursday, September 20

BK writes:

"Thank you so much again Lady Xara for your help in need .Love and Light"

Sunday, September 16

RAF writes:

"I always loved this friend of my and I felt that deep down inside he loved me as well. Since I have been asking you to cast spells on him, in the past couple of weeks I have been feeling a great sense of joy and bliss which I know is the spells working on him. I canât wait to see the final results of all of the spells that you have been casting for me."

Sunday, September 16

BK writes:

"Thank you Lady Xara for your help. All i need is that the spells will work.God bless you"

Sunday, September 16

Mili writes:

"I asked Xara for a money spell and a week later a received some money!! Thank you so much Xara!!! You're amazing"


Cast A Magick Spell That Really Works!

Submit Your Testimonial

  Page 1 of 22 


"Change your life
with magick spells."
Xara Matsagou

"My Free spells will change your life."

"When you cast a spell, you will immediately feel the change come into your life.

The Universe is constantly changing; instead of fighting it, ask What would you like to change?"

- Xara Beatrice Matsagou


Real Spells that work for free
MagicianWitch13 writes:
"Thank you sooooo much Xara!!! I did a spell to change my eye color and it works! now all my friends are jealous of my eyes. Sorry If I keep asking you for spells but that's because I really love knowing that I can just change things like that. This is the best site i've ever seen! Thanks a million, Xara"

Monika writes:
"Dear Xara I am so grateful for all your help! Be blessed forever! You made my life so beautiful! For the people who read this: trust Xara - she will really help you!"

O...... writes:
"I am so greatful for you thatnk you so much for all you have done for me I knew that you were the real deal Xara I apperciate all you have done bless you ! (hugggsssssssssss)......."

Cris writes:
"The money spell worked and because of that I can now pay my school bills. Thank you so much xara, you're an angel to everyone in here."

Monique writes:
"Got a job, hired on the spot!"

 Emily writes:
"The other sites always use ingredients or candles but I needed to cast spells without ingredients and without candles. Xara saves me the trouble and provides all those for me."

Jamie writes:
"I can't express to you how grateful I am to have access to your totally free spells. My life has really changed!"

Sam writes:
"These spells really work fast. I felt mine work immediately."

Mila writes:
"You're a real spellcaster! Everything is working out like it should! Thank you so much!"

Read More Testimonials

Submit Your Testimonial

"My spells are free and always will be." - Xara

Louise writes:
"I cast the reconciliation spell and by the evening my love and I was fullly reconciled. he called me and he apologized and I was soo happy! thank you Xara!"
Read More Testimonials
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