Eye Color SpellCarefully fill out the information below:Enter the name of the person who will have their Eye Color Change:Name:
Enter the YEAR you were born:
example: 1982 WARNING: Do NOT send money to scammers pretending to be me. Always remember, my spells are free and always will be. |
My Eye Color Spell / Eye Colour Spell:
Choose this Eye Color Spell / Eye Colour Spell to change your eye colour or to change someone else's eye color.
Free Eye Colour Spells: Cast a Free Eye Color Spell - Free Eye Color Spells: Cast a Free Eye Colour Spell
Real Spells that work for free
Shante writes:"My eyes are now deep dark brown! They're almost black! Thank you!"
Amanda writes:
"I cast an eye color spell and it changed my eyes to bluish purple and that's exactly what I wanted."
Dawn writes:
"My eyes are now green! How do you do this?!?! Thank you Xara!!!!!"
Erin writes:
"I wanted my eyes to be brown and they are now. The eye color spell is really great!"
Irene writes:
"My friends just told me they never noticed how amazing my eyes look but they don't know that it was because of your eye colour spell!"
Lexie writes:
"I did a spell to help me lose weight and ive already dropped 10 pounds within a couple of weeks... its amazing! i also did one to help my friend and I become best friends again and as of last night we are! Xara, you are amazing."
Autumn writes:
"I sent out an attraction spell and it he asked me out a couple of days later!!"
lea writes:
"wow!!! im amazed!!! this totally works!!! thank you xara!!! you came through for me!!!! at first i thought it wasnt working but it was!!! thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!"
Hallie writes:
"These spells really do work. I requested one a while ago and I didn't even realize that it had worked until one day it just hit me. You know what I mean? Anyway, thank you Xara, these spells are amazing and it really increased my confidence!"
Carolone writes:
"I can already see the change in becoming beautiful! Thank you so much Xara"
Sam writes:
"These spells really work fast. I felt mine work immediately."
Emily writes:
"The other sites always use ingredients or candles but I needed to cast spells without ingredients and without candles. Xara saves me the trouble and provides all those for me."
Jamie writes:
"I can't express to you how grateful I am to have access to your totally free spells. My life has really changed!"
Mila writes:
"You're a real spellcaster! Everything is working out like it should! Thank you so much!"
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